BMT provides specialised services in marine and coastal environmental consulting in tropical and temperate ecosystems. Since our establishment in 2000, our corporate and government customers have entrusted us with hundreds of projects. We are unique in our total focus on marine and coastal issues and the breadth and depth of expertise we can provide. Our 50+ staff have extensive experience in the management and implementation of environmental programs for marine and estuarine systems, and in the preparation of detailed documentation for regulatory approval, including interaction with all statutory authorities. BMT has also been actively involved in public consultation and community information programmes associated with many major projects in Western Australia. Our key practise areas are oil and gas; ocean outfalls; dredging and dredge material disposal; marine resources and mining; ports and harbours; coastal management and aquaculture. BMT is an operating company of BMT Group, with around 1,500 professionals located in 47 offices in the Australia, Americas, Asia and Europe, and we draw upon a wide range of experience and expertise to provide high-quality, high-value products and services.
Experience practicing in:
- Marine environment monitoring and management
- Environmental Approvals and EIA
- Coastal surveys
- Spatial services
- Project management and field operations
- Data management
- Environmental audits and compliance assessments
- Biostatistics and survey design
- Seagrass and benthic habitat rehabilitation and resoration
- Flood studies
- Climate change risk management and adaptation planning
- Hydraulic modelling (TUFLOW software)