Debbie Brace

Full Member


Debbie Brace, Company Director at Ecoedge has been working in the environmental field, specialising in strategic environmental planning and project management since 2000. With this demonstrated history Debbie has built a respected reputation amongst her peers and within various government departments such as Main Roads WA, Department of Water, Environment and Regulation, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
During her 8 years working with local government, Debbie built an extensive knowledge of government policies and procedures with a focus on vegetation clearing and management all while finding a balance that supports the progress of projects within the strategic environmental principles and outcomes and supporting social and economic principles.
Debbie has extensive knowledge of weed control, native vegetation species rehabilitation/revegetation, reserve and natural area management as well as mine site and bushland regeneration. Her projects have seen her build a solid knowledge of Federal and State clearing permit approvals and processes.
Debbie has a high attention to detail and provides clear communication to her clients to ensure seamless execution of projects in a timely manner.

Experience practicing in:

  • Reconnaissance, targeted and detailed vegetation and flora survey
  • Survey and identification of Threatened Ecological Communities and Priority Ecological Communities (TEC’s & PEC’s)
  • Targeted rare, priority and conservation significant flora surveys
  • Baseline flora and vegetation surveys
  • Fauna habitat assessment and surveys
  • Vegetation unit and condition mapping
  • Rehabilitation monitoring
  • Weed surveys
  • Referrals under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act
  • Assistance with the preparation of Native Vegetation Clearing Permit applications
  • Rare flora management

General Services ? View service descriptions

Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation


Bachelor of Environmental Science with Honours