Huon Clark
I worked as a terrestrial ecologist in Darwin for 5 years working on projects ranging from flora and fauna surveys, surface and groundwater quality, and macroinvertbrate surveys. I then commenced my PhD looking at the impacts of climate change on the behaviour of fiddler crabs. Toward the end of my PhD, i was employed at the University of Western Australia, conducting experiments on bulb mites with a focus on tactical conflict between two male morphs and the evolution of male dimorphism. I was then employed as a Post-doctoral Research Associate at UWA to investigate polarisation vision systems in fiddler crabs. Simultaneous to this role i was employed by Bennelongia Environmental Consultants as a report writer for subterranean fauna projects and in early 2019, I transitioned to full time work at Bennelongia, where I participate all aspects of subterranean, terrestrial aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate Short-Range Endemic fauna surveys and report writing.
Experience practicing in:
- Environmental report writing
- Subterranean fauna surveys
- Terrestrial Short-Range Endemic (SRE) invertebrate surveys
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BSc (first class Hons), Monash University - Thesis topic: Factors influencing movement and dispersal in western carp-gudgeons
PhD, Australian National University - Thesis topic: Climate change impacts on the behaviour of fiddler crabs.