Lorie Jones
Lorie Jones is a former President of Engineers Australia, WA Division. She has performed a number of senior consulting roles including: Relationship Client Manager; Project Director; and Regional Sustainability Facilitator. Lorie has over three decades of experience in environmental engineering, project management and business development for major national and international engineering consulting firms. She has particular expertise in the areas of noise, air quality and risk assessment. She is an experienced environmental auditor (ExemplarGlobal). Lorie has an established track record in obtaining project approvals and permits for major infrastructure and resource development projects in Western Australia since emigrating from Canada in 1987. She is particularly well recognised for her strong background in strategic industrial estate and infrastructure planning on behalf of government clients. As Project Director/Project Manager, Lorie has demonstrated experience in stakeholder engagement and proactive issues management on large and complex projects for private industry and government clients.
Experience practicing in:
- Environmental engineering
- Community consultation and stakeholder engagement
- Environmental impact assessment and management
- Environmental auditing and due diligence
- Strategic and industrial planning
- Route selection and site selection
- Sustainability facilitation
- Project approvals and permitting