ECA (WA) Statement on Workplace Harassment

On the 23rd of June 2022, the ‘Enough is Enough’ report was released by the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee of the Western Australian Parliament. It conveys the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault across WA’s mining industry.

As consultants, many of our members work with the mining industry and are therefore exposed to the workplace cultures and risks that are outlined in the Enough is Enough report. However, these cultures and risks are not restricted to mine sites; harassment and assault can occur in offices, training courses, conferences, meetings and any field survey location. Harassment can occur within the metropolitan area as well as regional centres and remote sites. Harassment is not age or gender restricted.

The Environmental Consultants Association WA (ECA) absolutely rejects all forms of harassment (physical or verbal), violence, or discrimination against women or any other person, at any time. Our members need to know it is not okay and you don’t need to put up with it.

The ECA is actively seeking ways to support our members and address the workplace cultures that enable and tolerate violence and discrimination through:

  • Investigating measures to eliminate sexual harassment from workplaces
  • Providing access to resources and support services
  • Identifying and improving reporting and response processes to increase accountability
  • Workshops and forums for consultants in entry-level positions to increase awareness of unacceptable behaviours and appropriate responses if they occur
  • Continual advocacy for change.

We encourage members to raise any concerns with ECA and work proactively to eradicate these behaviours from our shared workplaces.