Become a Member

The Environmental Consultants’ Association (ECA) is the professional body representing commercial environmental consultants throughout Western Australia. Full, Corporate & Associate membership of the Association is available to commercial environmental consultants who possess the appro­priate qualifications and experience. The ECA represents the interests of its members and pro­motes development of the environmental consulting industry. All members shall accept and up­hold the ECA’s Code of Conduct.


Membership Criteria

Application Requirements

Full Membership
  • Individuals with a minimum of 3 years’ experience in provision of professional environmental consulting services;
  • Substantially engaged in a professional environmental consulting role;
  • Commitment to accept and uphold the ECA’s Code of Conduct.
Step 1: Membership Application
  • To unlock membership benefits, provide your basic personal and professional information, qualifications, employment history, referees and CV;
  • Membership application may be submitted prior to Nomination of Services.
Step 2: Nomination of Services
  • Select up to 4 core services;
  • Provide 2 different project examples to substantiate each service;
  • Project examples must be recent (<3 years) and describe your personal role in the project (not services provided by your organisation or disciplines that you have limited knowledge of);
  • You can complete this step at a later stage as time permits;
  • Do you have advanced skills and experience in a particular service provision? Consider applying for a Specialist Service.
Corporate and Sustaining Corporate Membership
  • Non-government, non-academic corporate bodies engaging in commercial environmental consulting;
  • Must employ at least one Full Member of the Association.
  • Commitment to accept and uphold the ECA’s Code of Conduct.
Step 1: Membership Application
  • To unlock membership benefits, provide your basic company details, details of employees with full ECA membership, corporate profile and company logo;
  • Membership application may be submitted prior to Nomination of Services.
Step 2: Nomination of Services
  • Select up to 4 core services;
  • Provide 2 different project examples to substantiate each service;
  • Project examples must be recent (<3 years) and describe the organisations role in delivering the project;
  • You can complete this step at a later stage as time permits;
  • Do you have advanced skills and experience in a particular service provision? Consider applying for a Specialist Service.
Associate Membership
  • Individuals currently engaging in professional environmental consulting services who do not meet the criteria of Full Membership, but wish to remain connected with the Association;
  • Includes those that have retired from environmental consulting.
  • Commitment to accept and uphold the ECA’s Code of Conduct.
Membership Application
  • Provide your basic personal and professional information, qualifications, professional affiliations, employment history, referees and CV.


Correspondent Membership
  • Individuals or organisations wishing to remain informed about the activities of the ECA;
  • Includes students, those that engage with the environmental consulting industry and other organisations such as government agencies, other professional organisations, universities, not-for-profit groups etc
Membership Application
  • Provide your basic contact information.



  • Please select the appropriate membership category below and a list of relevant fields will be displayed.
  • The application can be saved and completed in stages.  In the green banner at the bottom input your email address and click ‘save draft’.
  • If applying for service categories, review the Membership Assessment Rules [PDF]. Please carefully consider which categories to apply for by reviewing our definitions.  For some categories there may be some elements that are common to most roles such as data management and project management. Applications for such categories will only be successful where it can be proven that this is the primary service of the applicant.
  • All service category nominations will be considered by the Membership Sub-committee with regard to internally established standards.  If those standards are not demonstrated in the application then further information may be requested, or the application may be rejected.

update current membership

Continue your application

If you would like to continue a saved application, please enter the email address you used to save your draft.


  • Corporate applicants must employ at least one Full Member of the Association

Contact Details (will appear in ECA Register)

Mailing Address

  • List the key services that you can competently provide in up to 12 concise points
  • Please include Organisation, Membership No. and Date Registered
  • Please include Employer, Position and Start/End Date
  • Please provide names and contact details of TWO professional referees that may be contacted to verify your employment history and/or substantiate your relevant experience
  • Please check the box next to each service offered by the applicant. These will be listed in the Member Register on the ECA website. Please give careful consideration to selections, as you will be required to substantiate experience in each service. In general, a single project can be used to substantiate only one service and this service should have been your major contribution to the project. Please also note that usually no more than three services will be accepted (although there are some services that form natural ‘pairs’ and will be regarded as constituting a single service in this respect).
     Service NameDefinition
    Air QualityManaging, modelling, and/or monitoring and reporting air emissions
    Aquatic/WetlandsProviding ecological advice on terrestrial water ways, lakes and wetlands. Conducting surveys to define wetland values and monitoring aquatic wetland systems. Assessment and management advice for terrestrial/surface Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
    Catchment ManagementAssessment and planning the management of human impacts on catchments and receiving water bodies
    Climate ChangeIdentification of climate change risks to the built and natural environment and developing tailored adaptation options to respond to these risks
    Compliance ReportingDevelopment and presentation of submissions that are required under the approvals to ensure compliance with statutory obligations.
    ConservationProviding advice relevant to the protection of natural environments and developing and/or implementing conservation programs
    Contaminated SitesInvestigating, quantifying, monitoring and/or remediating of contaminated sites
    Data Management, AnalysisCompiling and managing large environmental datasets. Services may include development of relational databases. Providing qualitative, statistical analysis or modelling of environmental data. Analysis and database management associated with projects in which your main involvement is another service, e.g. flora surveys, is not evidence of Data Management, Analysis capacity. The service is usually a standalone project provided to third parties who provide the data to be analysed.
    Dieback Mapping and ManagementMapping and management planning for disease caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora spp.
    Environmental AuditsAuditing of an organisation’s environmental performance/compliance/systems
    Environmental Impact Assessment and ApprovalsInvolved in assessment of environmental impacts of developments or policy decisions. Preparation of documentation for obtaining environmental approvals through the Commonwealth EPBC Act, Part IV or Part V of the State EP Act or via legislation administered by other regulatory authorities and Decision Making Authorities (DMAs).
    Environmental Management Plans (EMP)Preparation and/or implementation of Management Plans for activities that may have an impact on the environment
    Environmental Management Systems (EMS)Developing and implementing environmental management systems such as those meeting the requirements of the ISO 14000 standards
    HydrogeologyHydrogeological modelling and analysis of ground water data, and/or groundwater sampling and reporting, and/or providing advice on the use and management of ground water resources
    HydrologyHydrological modelling and analysis of surface water monitoring, and/or flood mitigation and/or providing advice on management of surface water resources
    Land Capability, SoilsProviding advice on: managing soil constraints; minimising land degradation; soil productivity, and management strategies. Provision of land condition assessments and monitoring. Assessing the inherent physical capacity of land to sustain a proposed form of land use and management such as agriculture, plantation forestry or land based aquaculture without significant risk of degradation to land, soil and water resources.
    Land Use PlanningIncorporation of environmental considerations into land development and resource use planning
    Marine and CoastalProviding advice on: Coastal, estuarine and / or marine physical and chemical baseline data collection; Potential risks to, and impacts upon, marine and coastal environments from anthropogenic effects (e.g. water pollution, dredging, coastal erosion etc); Management and monitoring of anthropogenic effects on marine and coastal environments
    Marine Ecology (Fauna & Flora)Providing advice on: design and implementation of marine fauna and flora studies; assessment of potential risks to, and impacts upon, endangered/threatened marine species and other ecological values; management and monitoring of anthropogenic effects on marine ecology
    Mine Closure PlanningPreparation of mine closure plans, risk assessments, consultation, monitoring and reporting requirements
    NoiseManaging, modelling, monitoring and reporting noise emissions in either marine or terrestrial environments
    OffsetsDevelopment of registered offset package and strategies that are required for approved development projects
    Project ManagementLead authors, client managers and responsibility for delivering project approvals, and other environmental projects that involve multiple stakeholders and disciplines. Project Management is a service applying to large, multi-disciplinary projects and management of a single service to these or smaller projects, e.g. vertebrate fauna surveys, does not constitute Project Management
    RadiationRadiological monitoring. Developing materials management processes.
    RehabilitationDeveloping and/or implementing restoration, rehabilitation or revegetation programs
    Remote Sensing/GIS analysisUse of satellite mapping, aerial photography and geographic information systems to collect, analyses and present multi layered and multi themed data for planning and decision making affecting the environment
    Stakeholder ConsultationCommunicating with a variety of stakeholders groups regarding developments, policies or activities relevant to environmental assessment and management. Stakeholder Consultation associated with projects in which your main involvement is another service, e.g. obtaining an environmental approval, is not evidence of Stakeholder Consultation. The service is usually a standalone service provided to third parties to facilitate community feedback
    Subterranean FaunaProviding ecological advice on Australian subterranean fauna. Conducting subterranean fauna surveys
    SustainabilityAdvisory services across a range of areas from sustainability strategies through to the implementation of sustainability initiatives for business and projects
    Terrestrial Flora/VegetationProviding ecological advice on Australian native flora and vegetation. Conducting flora and vegetation surveys
    Terrestrial Invertebrate FaunaProviding ecological advice on Australian terrestrial invertebrate native fauna. Conducting terrestrial invertebrate fauna surveys
    Terrestrial Vertebrate FaunaProviding ecological advice on Australian terrestrial vertebrate native fauna. Conducting terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys
    Training ProviderPreparation and delivery of training courses aimed at developing skills of practitioners in one or more environmental service categories.
    Waste - Solid ManagementMonitoring, planning, designing and/or management of industrial and domestic solid waste.
    Waste - Liquid ManagementManagement, monitoring and planning of industrial and domestic liquid waste and/or supplying WWTP/Tailing ponds
  • Remember that you should use different projects, except with detailed justification, to substantiate experience in each service area and that your work in the chosen service area should have been your major contribution to the project.

    Service Offered:

  • Passwords are a minimum of 6 characters, containing numbers and letters
  • Save draft and continue later